Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm on my way to the new adventure... to ARGENTINA!

It's starting to get real... I've been a bit afraid about talking this trip, only because if it wouldn't come true. But now it's real! I bought my flights :)! I can't remember when I was this excited! 5 months in a new city, big city Buenos Aires. It's going to be totally different world! I can't wait to get there! I have been working so much to collect the money for the staying there, but I did it! Couple years ago I wouldn't even think about leaving Finland, now it's the best thing in my life! I will be studying in UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa) and it's going to be all about Latin American markets.

It feels like this is a whole new beginning for me again! I will learn so much about the culture and hopefully something about language too. I started to study Spanish two months ago, so I won't know much about it before leaving. But even little is more than nothing I guess :D! I hope I will find many new things about myself and get more courage so I could do almost anything after coming back there. At least I would have that feeling.

I found some awesome pics from google... I'm pretty sure I will enjoy my staying there :)!

Now I know why I've had to let go so many things in life, why I've been in so many storms. This life doesn't go in a way I've planned, not at all. But that's not the point! It's never about the beginning or the end! Think about all the stories you know; it's all about what happens between beginning and end. I know now, that if I don't write my own story, someone else will do it for me, that's for sure! I can't write anything completely ready for the coming years, but I can write my story by the choices I make in life. Those makes my story complete. And now I know that I want to write it by myself! This is it! This moment is our lives! All the pain really was worth it! I feel so alive! Dreams really comes true, you just have to believe and make an effort!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is there something wrong about me or the way I write..?

I've been wondering about writing.. I've always been writing a lot, but in Finnish of course. I wanted to do something different, improve my English and also find a way to write differently than before. It's so much easier for me to write in English with a certain type of atmosphere, that type that I want to have in my texts. Still I know I probably have quite many spelling missteps here but in turn I'm confident that it will decrease over time.

The point of writing a blog is that someone would get something out of that. For different people it can be completely different things. I was thinking couple days ago, that if no-one writes any comments there can't be anyone reading my texts. That means that no-one gets nothing out of my writings. First it made me quite sad, but then I realized that I have some kind of settings on; you have to be in google+ to comment my posts. I was so  relieved, because I just changed the settings and know anyone can write a comment. Interaction is one of the most important things in learning, that's why we need each others. I truly want to learn about people, about life. But I won't be able to do it by myself. And if my writings aren't good at all, that's quite important feedback too :)

This is a good lesson for me! It's too easy to think "I'm not worth something, I'm not good enough". The hard and challenging part is to think the other way round or continue doing the things you do even you would feel like you don't know anything, that you are the worst in the whole world. Just don't give up and keep your head up high! Remember to smile and someone is going to smile back at you!

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Do something you love

I remember everyone saying: You should do something you love. For a year ago I still didn't know what I love to do or even like. I knew that I should do those kinds of things in order to feel good, but I just didn't know what those things could be. I knew I love riding, but it was the only thing and also too expensive for student budget. Then I found some people who knows places where to ride for free, but you have to control the horse by yourself and do some work int the stable too. I was a bit scared at first because I had ridden about six years ago. But when I got on a horse I felt like being in heaven! I knew exactly what to do. It felt so natural and relaxing, like being part of the nature.

For me riding is the most relaxing thing in the whole world!
I can't describe the feeling I got from it, but it's worth more than a huge heap of money!

The point is that you have to do thing you like, for yourself. I have to find more those things, cheap things! I didn't have opportunity to think what I want to do, because I was living my life against my nature. I was so busy with the work and studies. Oh, I just hated it! It wasn't my life! But I know that no-one else could have been able to change it, I had to do it by myself. Same thing here. You can start by doing something small. I don't know why but couple years ago I didn't have that courage, so even if I would have known about this free opportunity to ride, I wouldn't have used it. I'am full of excuses as almost everyone of us. We have multiple reasons why we don't change the way we live. Only thing we can do is moan. That's not life! We are here for doing things, experiences. Not everything can be nice, positive, fun, but those hard experiences teaches you so much, but only if you want to learn something from those too.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rainy days..

These are the days when you are allowed to just chill out. You can do whatever you want or just be by yourself, do nothing. When I was a child I was allowed to watch one Disney movie with my sisters on a rainy day. I loved that! Sometimes I still do that. It is really relaxing and it helps to clear the head.  

These are the days when you can think your life over. Every negative thing in your life doesn't just go away, some of them requires time and thinking through. It may be painful but extremely helpful on a long run. What goes around comes around, and that's the unfortunate truth. 

These are the days when you can give time to things you would like to wash away with the rain. And in the end you just let them go with the rain. When the rain stops, you can feel clear, purified human being as the nature is after rain. Remember, there must be sunshine after the rain. During the darkest times just believe in that!