Thursday, June 6, 2013

Totally different kind of work (part 2)

Third week doing this extreme job.. I have to say that this has been quite a challenge for me. First week went well and I was laughing most of the time. I found this whole situation quite funny and uncanny. Then the second week came and the harsh reality uncovered to me: this job takes way more than I though. The last leftovers of my positivism spirited away when I saw the thing I fear the most: a snake. My body was so tired because of exhausting work, long days, heat, bug stings and the straw that almost broke the camel's back was the snake. I just stood still terrified and my eyes started to weep. I know that in Finland snakes aren't deadly dangerous, but for some reason I just fear those creatures more than anything!

Annoyingly I was so scared that I couldn't even snap a photo. After 15 minutes I found skin of a snake...
I know they "hatch out" their skin time to time so I wasn't happy at all seeing this! 

Happily there's so much more in the nature!
I got to see some beautiful things too :)!

My body is killing me in every ways! When the second week came, my knee was so achy that I hardly could even walk. Still I continued to kill my body :D! I think it's called steadfastness or the other option is madness. It is so hard to get up when morning comes and start a new day with pile of sticking plasters and bandage. I also have some read spots in my arms because of the pesticide on the seeds and it really burns! What comes to my toes... Well, I'm sure the picture tells you enough about that one! So I'm a bit disappointed to myself because I have to admit that I haven't been as positive as I thought I would be during this experience. Time to time I have been like the biggest pessimist and that's awful! Sometimes I wondered if I'm trying to challenge myself a bit too much, but still I'm happy I'm doing this. This will increase my willpower and strength in every ways!

My hurtful legs before the work!

I'm thinking already that this will be the experience that I will remember the rest of my life! It's good to go through some different difficulties to see the world differently again! If someone would said to me couple years ago that I will go and do afforestation I would laugh my ass off! But here I am even it's hard to believe! I even think that it's quite sad to leave here, I'm so used to this by now! I got to know these people and they treat me so well, like a family member! And actually this isn't so bad after all! 

This may be the best way to go to work!
I'm not so happy but not so negative. I'm just really tired :D!

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