Thursday, June 13, 2013

Superficiality takes over the world

I'm not sure if I have rights to write about this subject. I have quite superficiality side too, like many of us have. I enjoy beautiful things like clothes, makeup, high heels, accessories, worked out bodies and all those not so meaningful things. Still there are times when I'm just so taken aback because of the things in this world. Can't we concentrate on the important things anymore? I feel that everything for example magazines, media, music, TV programs, ads etc tells a story about fake life! What about all the real things? What is this world gonna be like after 50 years? More material, more fake things, more negligible worries? What about children who are growing into the world with this set of values?

Time to time I stop everything I do, forgetting every superficial things, concentrating only into things that matters in life. Sometimes I'm a bit worried how hard it is even for me! If too long time goes by only with unimportant things, it's hard not to think about those! Nowadays I have a notebook and pencil with me no matter where I go. It helps me to see things in the world and concentrate on things that has nothing to do with me, then I can forget my own small life with meaningless worries.

I wonder if people can even talk about real things anymore.. can we? Sometimes it's so easy to talk about the things that doesn't matter at all, and I'm sure it's good to talk about those kind of things too. But what if it will change the way we think. What if after years of unimportant things we can't think anything else anymore?

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