Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm on my way to the new adventure... to ARGENTINA!

It's starting to get real... I've been a bit afraid about talking this trip, only because if it wouldn't come true. But now it's real! I bought my flights :)! I can't remember when I was this excited! 5 months in a new city, big city Buenos Aires. It's going to be totally different world! I can't wait to get there! I have been working so much to collect the money for the staying there, but I did it! Couple years ago I wouldn't even think about leaving Finland, now it's the best thing in my life! I will be studying in UADE (Universidad Argentina de la Empresa) and it's going to be all about Latin American markets.

It feels like this is a whole new beginning for me again! I will learn so much about the culture and hopefully something about language too. I started to study Spanish two months ago, so I won't know much about it before leaving. But even little is more than nothing I guess :D! I hope I will find many new things about myself and get more courage so I could do almost anything after coming back there. At least I would have that feeling.

I found some awesome pics from google... I'm pretty sure I will enjoy my staying there :)!

Now I know why I've had to let go so many things in life, why I've been in so many storms. This life doesn't go in a way I've planned, not at all. But that's not the point! It's never about the beginning or the end! Think about all the stories you know; it's all about what happens between beginning and end. I know now, that if I don't write my own story, someone else will do it for me, that's for sure! I can't write anything completely ready for the coming years, but I can write my story by the choices I make in life. Those makes my story complete. And now I know that I want to write it by myself! This is it! This moment is our lives! All the pain really was worth it! I feel so alive! Dreams really comes true, you just have to believe and make an effort!


  1. Omg! Thats amazing!! Youre going to have so much fun !

    1. Thanks :)! I really hope so! Lets see if I'm gonna come back alive!

  2. Can't wait! Argentina should be afraid :D...
