Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The secret to you

When I had the hardest time in my life, when there wasn't any hope or any light, when I felt I have nothing left... I found this video. First I cried like crazy, then I felt a warm feeling inside of me. I watched this video about 20 times in a row. And what I did... I decided that I want to feel like that, I want to see the world like that, I want to make a change in my life! I watched this video over and over again, every morning. So every day I started over again. It was releasing, cause if last day was going all wrong, I could start again, everyday. It truly is how you see the world, how you choose to see it. It's not easy, not at all. But you can collect things around you that makes this videos kinds of feelings stronger.

Life isn't easy. It's all about ups and downs. Today my mother said to me something that made me remember how hard it was some times ago (I have to add here, that me and my mother.. we weren't that close, she didn't know much about me or my life before my hardest time when I had to rely on her 'cause there weren't anything else left, and I'm so grateful about that, we got a whole new beginning for our relationship): "I remember how you felt.. I didn't truly understand or know what you felt but I remember it.. There wasn't anything for you, not a single reason to do anything, not any strength left. You didn't have the strength to go to market to buy food or going to shower to wash your hair. You didn't have any light in your life, anything to look forward in the future. I remember it too well. But now it's hard to even imagine that there was such time. To others it must be so powering to know that there is a escape from so deep endless darkness. You are full of life light!" At that moment I realized again how amazing my life is, even there isn't anything special... The life itself is amazing, so big opportunity, so big gift!

I think that the secret to you is your life! It's all about understanding how amazing life is, how all the little things are amazing! This isn't about daily ups and downs, it's about everything, the big picture! Of course it includes the daily faced things... But I think it's something more. It's the whole journey. The thing is that the little things makes the big journey :)! Think big enough, think small enough, find the secret in you - And you'll be free!

1 comment:

  1. Could you tell more about what happened to you?
