Saturday, November 30, 2013

The True Story Begins (in English)

Couple of you have asked me to tell what have happened to me in my "previous" life.. I wrote the first text about it (or something little about it), but it's in Finnish. No I'm doing it again, this time in English and I'll tell a little more, I'll tell about the real things that happened to me... Still, I don't mean to hurt anyone, so there's quite much things I'm not able to tell. I also have to add that I don't think that it's truly meaningful what happened to me. The most important part is what it has done to me, what I have become.

So, I'm a young woman, one among the millions of people. Maybe my story is quite common; More or less hard childhood, alcohol issues in our family. The pain coming from there hit hard to my face at the beginning of the puberty. When I'm trying to go back into that time, all I can remember is the harrowing pain, dark endless road. I started to have fever when I was 14-years old. There weren't any medical reason for that, just fever that went on and on and on. Some doctor said to me that I have burn out, but no one believed it so nothing changed. I tried to be so good in everything (I thought it would make our family life easier and effect in alcoholism) but I was so tired, afraid, broken and alone. My saver after years of pain was safe, strong and stable boyfriend, who made me believe that I'm worth of love. He proposed me after three years of being together. We lived together in Tampere. He was everything to me, I was dependent, I was nothing without him. I was so afraid of losing the only thing that mattered to me. At the same time I was still so broke and I couldn't understand why.

We were together total five years. Six months before break up I moved to another city for studying.  Mostly I just had to get away from my life, which hadn't never felt my own - so moving to Jyväskylä was suppose to be my new rescue, escape from the pain. So I moved.. And then I felt like flying! I didn't need anything or anyone, I was strong, needed, loved, true person. And that was the worst and the best thing ever happened to me; breaking up. First time of my life I felt truly alive! And I didn't need my addiction (ex-fiance) to tell me that I'm worth of something. HOW NAIVE! Well.. One month passed by, I was again working too much as I have always done. I got tired, I got lost, I was all alone, I panicked. I was nothing! Then I realized how horrible wrong I had done! I went back to my ex-fiance, I was so so so sorry, I begged him to forget me my mistakes. But I knew I broke him too. He just cried... There were nothing else he could do. He told me there weren't anyone else. There was one girl, but it was just one night thing. He said he needs some time, and I gave it to him. "How much time?" He didn't know.

Went one month, went another. Then he came to me and said that he wants to have me in his life, lets try it. And we did. He sat in my parents house during the Christmas holidays and no one knew there were any troubles going on in our relationship. Funny! We just didn't tell it. It was just like old times. But I knew something was wrong, I felt it. He didn't look at me at the way he used to. I asked about millions times, but he said "nothings wrong". Couple more months went by. I couldn't stand the coldness in him. He didn't answer to my calls, he didn't come to see me. And one day I had enough! I said I don't want to have him in my life anymore, it's too painful. And then he told me the truth... He told me he is going to be dad... To who? To the lady he had slept with once... Or that's what he told me. My whole world stopped right there. I have never felt that kind of feeling, I can't even describe that. Everything around me stopped, there weren't anything, only the pain in my chest. There weren't time or space, only pain. He said he don't know what to do, but the lady was 3,5 months pregnant. He needs to think things through by himself. We wen't to sleep but I just cried and shaked all night and he held me in his arms. In the morning he left, and I cried over 3 weeks in a row. This was the turning point in my relationship with my mother. I called her because there wasn't anything! I was so afraid, but I felt that I just don't have anything to loose anymore. And my mother, she was amazing! So understanding. She called me everyday to make sure that I had been eating..

Weeks went by, he didn't know what to do, he couldn't decide. But he just couldn't let me go. And I couldn't stand the idea that he would not be a father to a child. I knew I could not live with that. But he didn't listen to me, he was so lost. I almost gave up. I couldn't sleep, eat, go to school, go to work, move, read, watch television, listen to music. I just cried or stared to the ceiling. The pain was unbearable. The school I went was a bit different. We had our own company and we did every studies by working in it. I gave everything to it, but when all the drama in my life started I was powerless, I didn't have strength to do anything. Our company coach (teacher) said to me, I have to take sick leave for three weeks. We agreed about it and our company members agreed about that too. They said "take your time", "you can come back and well take you back with open arms". So I took the trip to Azores all by myself to clear my head. It was the hardest thing to do. I cried first five days during that trip. But I also found the beauty from the nature, I got stronger. During that trip my "ex" called me (hi didn't know I'm on that trip). The lady that was pregnant had miscarriage and he wanted to fix our relationship. The reaction was the same than when I heard about the pregnancy... I was in a shock.

I came back to Finland, didn't know what to think. But I was much stronger! I wanted to work again, go to school. Actually, I was a bit excited. The worst darkness was over. I had the strength to go to store, to school, to was my hair. So my ex and I, we decided to try again. And I went to school. But when I went to school, all I got was another bomb! They had decided during my sick leave that they will kick me out of the company. That was so big shock to me! I couldn't say anything. I acted like a cool, but as soon as I got out of the building I collapsed. I jumped on a train and traveled to my ex house. The only thing I could think was "What Am I Gonna Do Know?!". I asked, If I should move back to Tampere, he didn't say anything. Then I realized it... He just couldn't be with me, I couldn't go to school anymore, I didn't had anything! AGAIN! I felt so worthless piece of shit. I didn't have money, I didn't have job, I was in a strange city with nothing. All my friends had back-stabbed me, there wasn't anyone! Couple weeks went in a mist. I can't remember anything from that period. Then I got the job in a candy factory. I was so tired but at the same time I knew I don't have any options left. I forced myself to work every day. Endless darkness. Then my cousin died (he was only a little over 30 years old) because of cancer. It took one year and he was gone. Everything happened during the same year.

End of summer I watched over my ex sisters house and my ex wanted to come there with me. He had said to me that he wants to be with me but he needs time to heal his wounds. He told me every time that he doesn't have anyone else. We went to bed to sleep and I couldn't sleep. I took his phone and went outside. I read all his messages. He had lied to me and to other women almost one year. The lady that was pregnant.. They had dated almost a year. He was with my family the whole Christmas, and texted to that lady at the same time. He came to my home, hi made love with me countless times, told me how much he loves me and that he wants to be with me. And that other lady.. She didn't know anything about me. So my ex lied almost a year to both of us. I sat outside for three hours reading all the lies he had told me, all the lies he was telling to the other lady. I shaked three hours. I couldn't believe it! How could he!? When I asked about it, he lied again, straight to my face. I just hoped that he would have told the truth. After two weeks I told him that I know everything. He didn't say anything. The other lady still doesn't know anything. I have seen my ex time to time and the other lady doesn't know anything... I wanted to tell her, but I decided that it's not my thing to do, it's not my business. I don't want to hurt my ex even he broke my heart. I hope he won't ever know how badly, 'cause it would kill him. Of course I hate him, of course I can't believe everything that have happened. But I'm just trying to understand. I'm trying to think that I'm still worth of love and desirable. I'm trying so hard to think that it's not about me, it's not that I wasn't good enough.. Yes, I'm trying very hard. And still, I don't want to hurt him! End of that summer my father found Jesus and stopped drinking... Miracles happens!

This is the short version about what have happened to me during the most horrible 1,5 years in my life. I'm n ot sure what effected the most in my; my childhood, extremely low self esteem, breaking up, lying, waiting for one year, kicking out from our company, my friends turning their backs at me, my cousin cancer and dying, hopeless, money trouble. But step by step I got better. Still there is lots to do, I'm still a bit broken human being, but I'm alive! I'm going school, working, having friends, sometimes even dating, I believe in life, future, in me and in every others! There isn't darkness that is endless.. Everything in life goes with pares, like darkness and light. Every storm comes with the sunshine. Just DON'T GIVE UP!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The secret to you

When I had the hardest time in my life, when there wasn't any hope or any light, when I felt I have nothing left... I found this video. First I cried like crazy, then I felt a warm feeling inside of me. I watched this video about 20 times in a row. And what I did... I decided that I want to feel like that, I want to see the world like that, I want to make a change in my life! I watched this video over and over again, every morning. So every day I started over again. It was releasing, cause if last day was going all wrong, I could start again, everyday. It truly is how you see the world, how you choose to see it. It's not easy, not at all. But you can collect things around you that makes this videos kinds of feelings stronger.

Life isn't easy. It's all about ups and downs. Today my mother said to me something that made me remember how hard it was some times ago (I have to add here, that me and my mother.. we weren't that close, she didn't know much about me or my life before my hardest time when I had to rely on her 'cause there weren't anything else left, and I'm so grateful about that, we got a whole new beginning for our relationship): "I remember how you felt.. I didn't truly understand or know what you felt but I remember it.. There wasn't anything for you, not a single reason to do anything, not any strength left. You didn't have the strength to go to market to buy food or going to shower to wash your hair. You didn't have any light in your life, anything to look forward in the future. I remember it too well. But now it's hard to even imagine that there was such time. To others it must be so powering to know that there is a escape from so deep endless darkness. You are full of life light!" At that moment I realized again how amazing my life is, even there isn't anything special... The life itself is amazing, so big opportunity, so big gift!

I think that the secret to you is your life! It's all about understanding how amazing life is, how all the little things are amazing! This isn't about daily ups and downs, it's about everything, the big picture! Of course it includes the daily faced things... But I think it's something more. It's the whole journey. The thing is that the little things makes the big journey :)! Think big enough, think small enough, find the secret in you - And you'll be free!